Spray for Flowering, Spray for Healthy Leaves & White Oil Insecticide
Spray for Flowering, Spray for Healthy Leaves & White Oil Insecticide
1) Encourages prolific flowering
2) Prolongs lifespan of flower
3) Ready to use
Summary: Good with most flowering plants! Pamper your plants with essential nutrients required for prolific flowering and prolonged flower lifespan. Effective formula used by both professional growers and enthusiasts.
How to use: Spray on leaves and base of plant once every week. For best results, use jointly with ANDGRO Foliar Spray for Healthy Leaves on alternate weeks.
Andgro Foliar Spray for Healthy Leaves
1) Encourages healthy plant growth
2) Strengthens leaves
3) Ready to use
Summary: Nurture your plants with essential micro-elements required for healthy plant growth and strong leaves. Effective formula used by both professional growers and enthusiasts.
Key ingredients:
N (20%) – P (20%) – K (20%) with micro elements
How to use: Spray on leaves and base of plant once every week. For best results in flowering plants, use jointly with ANDGRO Foliar Spray for Flowering
ANDGRO White Oil
1) Highly effective insecticide specially formulated for use in gardens.
2) Non-toxic to your family members, pets and you.
3) No harmful effects to your beloved plants.
Summary: Rid your garden of insects/ pests in a fuss free manner. All this while having peace of mind that our gentle but effective White Oil insecticide has no detrimental effects on your loved ones and precious plants!